Wednesday, June 3, 2009

HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS - helps injured Marine

The Home Sweet Home Campaign is proud to be a supporter of HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS. This nonprofit organization is amazing! It is people like John Gonsalves, the president and founder of this group that make America what it is - A land of opportunity to grow, to learn, to thrive and share that wealth with others in their time of need.

Hats off to John Gonsalves!

May 11, 2009

Marine Staff Sgt. John Jones reluctantly applied to the Homes for Our Troops program while recovering from the amputation of both lower legs.

In fact, it took a direct order from his commanding officer at the hospital in San Antonio to get Jones to fill out the paperwork.

Two years went by and Jones forgot about the application. He moved his wife, Amber, and three children to Fort Collins to start a new life.

"We needed to get away from the eyes of war and be closer to family," Amber Jones said.

He started taking classes at CSU's business school and became one of two disabled veterans enrolled in the first-ever Operation Wall Street, a six-month immersion program in the financial industry created by the Wall Street Warfighters Foundation.

The couple picked out a lot in far southeast Fort Collins and began making tentative plans to build a home.

Then in December, Jones, 32, got the call from Homes for Our Troops that he had been accepted and would get a brand new house. The program even bought the lot the family had picked out.

Click Here to read the rest of this story... it is worth reading!