Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We are in the midst of cooking and preparing for our Thanksgiving feast and I have to step back and just SMILE... how lucky we are to have love, health and family! I know how much work it is and how stressful it can be to prepare such a feast, but what I try to remember is that my children will remember the mood, the feeling, THE LOVE of the day - so make sure you enjoy your day - only kind words and actions !

God Bless!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saving Money... Free Shipping and Discounts

Shipping can really take a gouge out of your wallet.. As I find DEALS like this, I will pass them on -
Free Shipping over $75 at

Identity Direct... Offer ends Dec 10th
Get FREE Shipping on all orders over $50 from Identity Direct! Personalized children’s gifts featuring kids favorite Disney, Sesame Street & Marvel characters!

Best 40 Movies to Choose from
$3.99 DVD sale at Valid 11/23-11/29

Smart Bargains - Two deals - free shipping or 12% off for new customers
Free Shipping off $75 or more
12% off for New Customers

Black Friday - will you be online shopping or going to the mall?

Black Friday is what the retailers call it... the day after Thanksgiving. The day Americans get up early, still hung over from the food and beverages of the night before, and trek out to the wild retail world to find the great deals. I have only attempted the early AM shopping a few times. I think those people must take a course to prepare themselves - aggressive and sometimes down right rude must be the mantra. So I have resigned myself to ignore the savings I could have had and move on. But now with my new "lack of responsibility" (ie No job), I feel inclined to adventure back to find the best deals possible. Instead dealing with the lines and the crabby people I am going the web route.

I'll be back later today with some deals...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A proper introduction

Beth here, I wanted to properly introduce myself and hopefully make some new friends as I begin this new "cyber adventure", LOL. Have fun and please shoot me a message if you have any questions or suggestions.

I have been working outside the home for over 15 years while raising two beautiful girls with my husband. I have been in several different work environments – the office, outside sales, and the on the road, traveling. Each had their perks and pitfalls, but all of them had one factor that stayed the same, lack of work/life balance. Feeling like I can’t get it all done, not giving enough time and energy to my family, no time for me and of course, a dirty house to go along with it all. Uggh!! What is work/life balance, really? You can ask your HR rep, your pastor, your best friend – all the answers will be different. I really don’t have the answer, so I won’t be tackling the “big question” of work/life balance, instead I will be chipping away at the edges. My focus will be the following:

· Online Shopping

· Tips on work/life balance

· Entertaining at Home

My Mantra

Time Management, Quality, Affordability and Ease of Doing Business

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gifts for you now

What a fun site this is. Gifts for You Now really offers you alot of great little christmas options and ideas. Pretty much any type of small holiday or gift giving idea is here and for me it's always nice to be able to personalize things without paying and arm and a leg.

Personalized Christmas Gifts

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I just about had a stroke last month when I saw my daughters cell phone bill. The texting wasn't too bad this time, but the ringtones were a bit much. At $1.99 or more a tone, it adds up.

After doing some research about ringtones and alternatives, here is the answer for me. Ring Factory. It let's you take music you already own and create any kind of ringtone you want. Your kids will love it. Heck, so will you.

Check out Ring Factory here.

Video Games? Well yes, but this one I really like.

I have always been been about keeping a balance with the kids and video games. As long as they are reading and appreciating a few books in between Xbox or Wii, I am ok with it.

However, some of the video games out there are a bit harsh in my opinion for kids in that pre-tween and tweener age group. Guitar Hero is a fun game, no question about it, and pretty much any kid can turn into an overnight rock star sensation. But some of the lyrics are a bit harsh in my opinion.

Well, imagine my surprise and delight when I was reading online about a new game called Popstar Guitar!! With Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers leading the way.

Way to go XSGames, this was just what we were looking for, a kinder gentler guitar game.

I have already pre-ordered. Betty

Monday, November 10, 2008


This is the BEST - No more lost $$ on damaged DVDs. With this product you can make multiple copies of all your DVDs. Make a copy for your car rides, kids rooms and just because you can!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hey Working Moms - I'm here to help...

How many times do you find yourself running in every possible direction trying to be the best Mom, Wife and Professional? Wow is it HARD!! With most of my family living out of state, I can't seem to keep up with the holiday and birthday presents. It's a challenge just getting the gifts, not to mention the wrapping, the personal cards and taking it to the Post Office or wherever to ship.

So I have turned to the internet for help - keeping in mind I don't have alot of time, I focused on finding unique gifts that would be special and appreciated. I have found some great companies and wanted to share them with you. If you have any suggestions on sites, just let me know.
