Don't Laugh - Miracle Blade Knifes ARE really GOOD
A long time ago, when I was first married, my sweet husband became a closet late night TV infomercial-aholic. (thank God it didn't last to long LOL). Back then we didn't have a million channels to chose from and I guess one night he got stuck on the Miracle Blade infomercial. Needless to say, we received the deluxe pack of knifes. Of course the first thing we had to try was cutting metal - Yes, they really did cut through and the blade didn't dull. So now, 20 years later I look in my utensil drawer and the only utensils we have from when we first got married are the Miracle Blades.
The good news, they are cheap and they last. The bad news, they aren't the nicest serving knifes for guests. But pooh whoo on the guests if they need to be impressed with cutlery. Those that would care are not friends, they are what my husband and I call "acquaintances".
I just browsed the site and they have a couple different deals available. Click Here for a GREAT deal on Miracle Blade!!
I know it seems cheesy, but they are a great gifts that last!!!